Sunday, 20 May 2012

Adventures Happened

It's been a busy few weeks. Work continues to bring its highs and lows, its ups and downs. 'That's recruitment' I'm told. I enjoy having a job that brings variety every single day, even if I have to deal with the odd fool or douche.

Outside of my workapades, life is passing me by at a rapid rate. I guess time does fly when you're having fun.

A couple of weeks back, Stacey and I travelled to Holland for a long weekend to visit her family out there. Her Uncle, Aunt and very young cousins allowed us into their home for what was a terrific getaway. Her cousins can both run around now and it was mayhem of the best kind. I personally had the best time playing the role of 'kid' myself; throwing cushions, jumping around, etc. Stacey meanwhile had the best calming effect on her littlest cuz in particular.

Our Holland visit was jam-packed with a ton of bike-riding, visits to the park and pancake house, Grolsh and another visit to a theme park. The Dutch theme park was Efteling and for anybody into their fairy tales, fantasy and theme parks will just love this place. The Flying Dutchman themed rollercoaster/water ride won my ride of the day as it pulled in elements of two different ride types to give a fantastic experience - even the queue was worth standing in as the set was awesome.

In terms of the cycling in Holland, we just can't compete over here. The infrastructure is just incredible, as for every single road, there's a cycle-road running parallel. As a result the roads are much quieter and there's a nice, relaxed atmosphere to travel. We did a lot of cycling on our few days out there, including to the restaurant/bar for an evening out (no drink driving needed when you cycle) and to the park with the boys in tow.

We had an absolutely awesome time in Holland and it was great to get reacquainted with Brian, Kate and the rot-pots!

On the set

Yesterday, Stacey found herself driving someplace else. With Nick, John and my little sister in the back, we travelled to Watford to the Warner Bros. Studios to see The Making of Harry Potter. For those of you that are a fan of the franchise or the films, I'd highly recommend this day out. We spent four hours wandering around the place seeing the sets, props and special effects that went into making the eight Potter films and finding the Snitches hidden throughout.
Highlights of the day included getting to try out the green screens, tasting actual Butterbeer (kind of creamy-toffee flavoured stuff) and the grand finale that was the exterior of Hogwarts. Hell everything was a highlight including the damn giftshop in which you could spend an absolute fortune of you had one.

Special thanks to Nick and John also, who very kindly bought Popster a collectible replica of the Elder Wand.

Adventures yet to come...

Well, we're off to an 80s/90s night this Friday, but there is something bigger planned. Something so exciting that as we were booking it, I couldn't sit at all still in my chair in the travel agents'. 

2013: New York; Florida.

It's going to be the holiday of a lifetime and neither of us can wait.

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