Sunday, 31 July 2011

Hometown Invasion/Cult of Personality

It's been roughly a month since I started the new job, and we're now less than 2 weeks away from moving out. This past week had a slightly different feel to it than the previous three. I've become more settled in where I'm at, more comfortable. And this was definitely helped in that my morning commutes were spent in company. On Monday morning, when standing alone while at the same time completely surrounded by people, a familiar face presented itself. Newly-wed friend Mike appeared and as it turns out, was on the 9 til 9 shift for Monday through Thursday. So for the first four days of the week, I was kept company on the trains in the morning. It was weird having a conversation with another human being during the commute, and you couldn't help but notice several bemused and possibly even annoyed commuters staring at us for interacting as opposed to keeping our heads down. It certainly made the mornings a little nicer. Then on Friday, when it looked as though I was going to be alone again (Mike having already worked 48 hours for the week in just 4 days), I managed to catch the train with my Uncle. So for the whole week I got to be a real person amidst a sea of soulless drones. Tomorrow unfortunately, I'll be back to drone-mode myself.

The commute wasn't the only time that some of my hometown chums made appearances during my working day. Nat and Chris met me for lunch on Monday too, Nat having had herself an interview in the city. It was a great way to spend a lunch hour, although it did go mighty quick and soon enough I was back behind my desk.

After hours too, this week has been different. Stacey and me met up with Becky and Alex after work on Tuesday, and on Friday we arranged to go and see the latest Marvel spectacle Captain America. Friday night wound up being a double-header for me though, as I basically enjoyed two nights out for the price of one. By Friday afternoon, I had reached my targets at work for the week, and thus was allowed to leave at 5 instead of 6. A member of the office was leaving, and another was celebrating a birthday, so my new colleagues and I headed to a bar that seemed to be more like a nightclub in the middle of the day. We went in and downstairs, and it really was like walking into nighttime. I enjoyed a few cocktails (half-price for the win!) and over the course of a couple of hours started to finally get to know some of my new workmates. Due to the Captain America plans for later in the night, I may have had to be one of the first to head home, but in fairness I do have one of the longest journeys of anyone in my office and I still managed to spread myself thin enough to enjoy time with London-lot and Hometown-heroes.

The Cult of Personality

It was another double-header on Saturday night, although thankfully in the same place. Two of my old Blockbuster colleagues, Sam and Sarah were out to celebrate their birthdays; my broski Sam celebrating the big three-oh! It was a terrific night and great to see and catch up with the old crew who I have missed rather a lot in the last month. More cocktails were drunk and I tried my first ever tequila shot. It was rather rancid. I purchased a little present for Sam too in the form of a toy wrestling belt. The gift that was held high and posed with for much of the night was wrapped in Chuggington wrapping paper, the only wrapping paper we could find in Stacey's house. It scored some pretty odd looks from the bouncers and reception staff at the club.

Trial Run

With moving day drawing ever closer, Stacey and I have Stacey's house to ourselves at the moment. With the time to ourselves, we've been practising for the life we're about to embark on, with Stacey having prepared some very tasty meals for me for when I get back from work. Yesterday we entertained for Mike and Sarah before going out, and today we went grocery shopping. No doubt this will all be boring in a few months time, but for now it's all very exciting.

We're One Day Closer,
          The Wait Is Over.
                                       -TRUST COMPANY

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