Thursday, 3 February 2011

On the hunt, best get out of my way!

As many of you may know already, I'm on the lookout for a new job. It's nothing personal against my current job, it's just business. I'm nearing the end of my degree with the Open University, and as studying at home is something that can be done in my spare time, I've decided to get ahead of everyone else graduating this year and start the job hunt early. As you'd easily work out from watching the first 30 seconds of any news broadcast over the past few years, job hunting really is the definition of searching for a needle in a haystack. And I mean without the luxury of a magnet, as despite what Max Beasley tells us on those Jobsite adverts, it really isn't that easy!

So, getting things on track, I've been looking for a new career path, a full time job, since before Christmas. I had already had the one interview/assessment day thing which I've already discussed in  my last blog. For those of you that haven't read it, I'll sum it up by saying that things couldn't have started any worse than they did. Since then, I have been informed that actually they don't think I'm qualified, which rather contradicts what they said when they invited me to take part in their illogical interviewing process. I probably just scared them all to death with the very site of my rear and under-attire.

Of course, I wasn't putting all of my eggs into one basket, and have been applying left, right, and centre on every job website known to man... well, known to me at least. For weeks, I heard nothing, which is a little disheartening, but at the same time, not at all surprising, especially when about 99.9% of jobs require a minimum of two years experience in a very specific job role, which let's face it, at the age of 21, I'm just not going to have! Then, out of nowhere, I got offered two preliminary interviews on Monday of this week, and both of them wanted to meet me on Wednesday at 2pm. Unfortunately logic dictates that I can't be in two places at once, so I had to hold one of them back a day, and got to go and meet them Thursday (today) at 2pm instead. I have no idea how either of these went, and maybe I am unqualified for both roles, but the best I can do is to give it a shot. For both of them, I donned my suit once again, and made sure this time to avoid any area of ground that had a 'Caution: Wet Floor' sign nearby.

I'm very excited about both potential opportunities, as they are both with rapidly growing companies that seem to actually treat staff as people, not as numbers. Although the jobs that I've gone for are rather different, they are both in areas that I feel would be of great interest to me, and could well captivate me. Not getting the job that I went for interview at three weeks ago could well have been a blessing in disguise, as I know looking back that I would have been bored within a week working there. I mean, if they didn't show much of a sense of humour at my ripped trousers, would it really have been a happy place to work?

1 comment:

  1. I like how you put 'work' and 'happy place' in the same sentence.
