Saturday, 21 January 2012

End of Days / It Begins

It's been a couple of months since I've written an entry for this thing. In truth, when I wrote my last blog back in November my heart wasn't in it. A lot's happened since then though and the landscape of my life has completely changed.

Unhappy with my London job, I interviewed successfully for a new position closer to home. I'm feeling a lot happier now than I was back then, and life has become fun again. I returned to Blockbuster for a week before starting my new job and enjoyed the Christmas run-up and period. Even the grey month of January has been flying by in a flurry of fun.

December several events starting with Stacey's birthday which was murder... well, I guess that's what happens when you throw a murder mystery party! Ok that was a lame attempt at a joke and not even a remotely funny pun. We did have killer time though! Oh, and I was the killer. The twelfth month continued with my new work's Christmas do, a Christmas Movie Marathon, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Another Christmas Day, Blockbuster's Christmas do and concluded nicely with New Year. This New Year's Eve was celebrated at Becky's and wasn't with out drama... or vomit. I'm not naming any names so we'll refer to the culprit as P. Town. Ok that might be too obvious so we'll go with Pete T.

The new year has kicked off with more memorable life moments, such as giving my little sister the greatest gift anyone could ever give for her 9th birthday - fake turds! As well as my Sister's birthday, we've just celebrated the birthday of our friend Natty too. Last night we began our night in the flat to celebrate. We planned to get drunk and wind up in a naff club. We only succeeded in half of our plan, but I think it's safe to say that we had an interesting night to say the least. In part thanks to the antics of our Old Boy Chris Warren, and in other part thanks to the whole bottle of Scotsmac I polished off.

2012 is shaping up to be a helluva year and has certainly started in style. January's not even over yet either as next week I get to meet Hulk Hogan! Oh yeah BROTHER!

I'm watching Van Wilder while typing and it looks as if it's getting to the climax (there's a montage running at present) so I'm gonna focus all of my attention back to that.
