Never before had so much fuss been made about little ol' me, and while flattered and in part enjoying it, in the weeks leading up to the event, I began to feel both nervous and anxious. I mean, what if nobody turned up, or what if nobody had any fun? The fear surrounded me that caused me to think of every possible way the party could be a disaster. This fear however proved false as from what I've heard the party was a success, and I can only really go by what I've heard because unfortunately I wound up more drunk than I've ever been before (and hopefully ever will be) in my life and as a result can not remember the whole night. The parts that I can remember (and more are coming back to me slowly) show me having the time of my life with almost all of my favourite people in the whole wide world. The problem came with everybody wanting to buy me a drink, which was great, apart from the fact that I was soon pretty far gone.
The speech that I made, seemed to me to be very well rehearsed and straight to the point. I have since been told by numerous sources that this in fact wasn't the case as the speech seemed to drag on, with me trying to remember what to say, forgetting very important 'thank yous' , and having to ask for help with what to say. I apparently also kept repeating the same part over and over. The night was a success overall though, and out of everybody that I've spoken to since, all have said that they had a great time. The only downfall seems to have been the downfall of me, as I ended the night with vomit streaming from my nose as I passed out, finishing the night unconscious on the floor. Luckily I don't remember that at all!
Moving on now, let's take a look back at the rest of the month that has been June 2010!
My actual birthday was celebrated with a BBQ! Although it happened to fall on the one day that wasn't as hot as hell, so we shivered everytime a breeze blew through the garden. I also received many nice presents, including a brand new stereo system that features an iPod dock as well as DAB radio from the ever lovely and beautiful Stacey! Thank you!
Before any of my birthday celebrations kicked off, there was another reason for me to feel nervous and anxious aside from the looming party. On the 17th I had another exam, this time to end my studies of the Open University's Approaching Literature course. I was incredibly scared and lacked confidence leading up to the exam, but feel that I hopefully may have pulled off a pass. Only time will tell on that front.
The month kicked off, what seems a lifetime ago now, with 2 trips to London. On Thursday 3rd, Pete, Stacey and I went to our second show at the great venue that it Shakespeare's Globe, which if you've never been, I strongly recommend as not only is it a part of our country's history, but ticket prices also start at just £5! This time we saw a production of Macbeth which was performed extremely well. Not only were the performances great, but the set design was used to great effect and unlike anything I've ever experienced before, with half of the standing area designed so that you can't see below your own neck due to a black sheet, which allows the witches to terrorize the audience and for the dead to rise up in gruesome fashion.
Sea of Souls - The Scottish Play at
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
The following night, Stacey and I were accompanied by Sarah and Mike to see Frankie Boyle record his new DVD for Christmas, at the Hammersmith Apollo. Now the others may disagree with me here, but I found Frankie to be a huge disappointment. I found that I only laughed a couple of times throughout his set and for most of it, just felt he was trying too hard to be edgy to get cheap reactions. His act was funny a couple of years ago, but it seems as if he's been unable to evolve at all in his act and simply fell flat. As a result I was not at all surprised to hear him announce that he was quitting comedy on the following week's Friday Night with Jonathan Ross. Still, Stacey loved it... bless her.
Stacey outside the Hammersmith Apollo

June was also a month of birthdays. Not only did I turn in age, but so did many others, including my old friend Vikki, my very good mate Jason, for whom we had a great Friday night out, despite another disappointing England football performance, Stacey's sister Alice, and my birthday buddy neighbour Steve.
That's all for now as I leave you with the Soundtrack to June 2010!
AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill
30 Seconds to Mars - From Yesterday
Fozzy - Let the Madness Begin
Art of Dying - Get Through This (originally listened to to get through exam stress, although also applied to my killer hangover from the party).
Stay Tuned!