I've just woken up from a long sleep, a sleep that enabled me to recharge my batteries. After a busy night shift last night that involved a huge delivery, the weekend that I named 'My big weekend' seems like an age ago already. The reason for this weekend being a big one was that it was a weekend that I had been looking forward to for a long time, and one that was jam packed full of things to do and even spilled over into Monday and Tuesday.
The weekend began on Friday night as we went out to celebrate the coming of age of our friend Christopher. Chris turned 21 so we celebrated by going out clubbing and actually spending less than expected. I'm not really one for the nightclub scene and hate the ripoff prices on entry and drinks, but am all up for a good night. Well when Natty found some free entry vouchers on the club's website, we were on for a winner! Throw in drinks for £1.70 and we were golden! Due to the fact that my money went further than expected, I became rather merry and had a great night. The drink of the evening was Apple VK, I know a bit of a girlie drink, but that was because buying a VK allowed you to get a shot of Corky's for a pound, and this shot was served in a chocolate cup, meaning you down the shot, then get to eat some choccy!
We also managed to get the club relatively early, meaning that the club was virtually empty when we got there (it was full by the time we left) so we could grab ourselves the best table on offer. As there were no drinks allowed on the dance floor, most of the night was spent messing around at this slightly secluded table. Pete found it extra useful for taking a nap at!
Following on from this, I ended up back at Stacey's, and in the morning when we decided to awake, we set off up North. We arrived at Stacey's Uncle's house around mid-afternoon just in time to see the closing seconds of the Grand National. Her baby cousin Thomas is now one, and crawls everywhere, he's completely different from the baby we went up to visit a year ago. We had a nice evening that featured BBQ and drink, before Stacey and I retreated to our hotel for the night. We actually got to stay at a better hotel than the rest of Stacey's family, as her Mum had booked rooms for herself and Stacey's siblings at the same hotel as us originally, but for a week and a half earlier somehow. By the time she realised, she had a bill for the no-show of the date she had booked, and the night we wanted was all booked out. Therefore Stacey's family had to stay in a rough hotel in the wrong side of town (and were even woken by a fire alarm at 5am), while Stacey and I had the nice posh one as we booked correctly.
Sunday was little Tommy's naming ceremony, the reason for us travelling up. This was somewhat like a Christening, but without all of the religious nonsense. I must say that I wondered what it would actually be like beforehand, but that I was pleasantly surprised at how tasteful the whole event was. Little Tommy was allowed to crawl around and play with his toys happily, as his parents made promises to always look out for him, et cetera, and then present him and his name to everybody in attendance. Stacey's uncle even read out a cheeky and sweet poem that he had written about his relationship with his young son.
Sunday afternoon was then spent sitting in a posh hotel garden eating nibbles and chatting, before heading back down to the South. The journey back down took around four and a half hours... I hate long car journeys.
After some much needed sleep, I woke up feeling excitement on Monday as my friends Sam, Mike and I were off to the O2 arena to watch WWE's flagship television show Monday Night Raw, which featured the 90s icon David Hasselhoff as the special guest host. We travelled up early and went to see Kick Ass at the VUE cinema at the O2. First of all I must mention that the screen size at this cinema was immense. The biggest cinema screen I've ever seen, and the price of the tickets was still cheaper than our local Odeon! Kick Ass was one hell of a, well, kick ass film. It put a great twist on the superhero film, actually setting it in a more real world. There was also something so charming about an eleven year old girl saying the 'c' word. After the film, we went into the Brazilian restaurant Rodizio Rico for a bite to eat. Now this was an all you can eat experience in which you went up to get your salads and pastas and chips and deep fried bananas, while staff walked around with huge chunks of meat on skewers. You were given a card at the entrance which was green on one side and red on the other. If your card was facing green side up, the staff would slice off whichever meat they were carrying onto your plate. When you were full, you turned it to red. This was a great meal, the Brazilian style of food was absolutely delicious and I whole heartily recommend trying this at least once. It did fill us rather quickly though.
From there we had a few drinks at our favourite O2 bar, Thai Silk (makes me think of Chris every time) before heading into the arena for the show. We were sitting closer than ever for Monday's show, with seats on the arena floor. The problem with this though was that our view wasn't so great, especially since some kid two rows in front felt the need to hold up a sign for nearly the entirety of the show. The show itself was good, although not the best wrestling show we've been to. David Hasselhoff was a sure highlight as he first made an entrance in Kitt from Knightrider before reappearing later in the evening for a Baywatch Babes Swimsuit Tag Team Match. To watch this, which was hilarious, click here and then pause it at 0:22 and look to the right of the 'Hoff' sign in the crowd, as you'll see Mike and then me wearing my trilby hat with my hands raised taking a photo! The crowd was rather dead though, despite Sam, Mike and myself yelling our lungs out. The other major highlight of the night was upcoming star The Miz, who cut a great promo before going on to beat son of the British Bulldog, David Hart Smith.
Tuesday was back up to the O2 once again, this time with Stacey and Jason to see WWE's other shows Smackdown and reality type show NXT. The crowd was much more alive for this one and the show itself proved to be better. First of all NXT was filmed, a reality show in which eight wrestler wannabes compete with the prize being a WWE contract. It was no surprise here that fellow englishman Wade Barrett was the fan favourite. Smackdown was then one hell of a show that was main evented by a World Heavyweight title match, as new champion Jack Swagger defended his title against Edge and my personal favourite Chris Jericho. The crowd was split for this between Jericho and Edge, although it was Swagger (who was being cheered on by Stacey) that retained. CM Punk was also a highlight of the night, as he closed the show for us by wrestling in a dark match (non-televised match) with Rey Mysterio. Punk lost the match and then picked up the microphone to tell the fans how much he hated them. This caused a cheer to which he picked up the microphone again to clarify 'No really, I hate you guys!'
This all seems like a long while ago now after working an exhaustingly busy shift last night. Oh by the way Jon, Mr X came in last night and mentioned that he wants to invite me to his 21st birthday later this year, I'm sure you'll get an invite too!
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Thursday, 1 April 2010
April Fool's Day
Happy April Fool's Day to you all, my faithful blog readers! Another new month is dawning already, so let us take a looksie back at the month that was March 2010.
It doesn't seem like it has already been a month since I wrote the blog looking back at the dark and cold days of January and February. Just like that first day of March, today is a gloriously suntastic day. March was a rather mixed bag of fun little treats, with a couple of sour tricks. I had two assignments for my Open University courses due in on the same day which was a tad harsh, but target met nevertheless. Funny enough I scored exactly 75% on both essays, which I guess shows my brain was working at three quarters of its capacity that week. One of those essays I must also add, was helped along by the ever great Pete Town, who has just this month recovered from having his appendix removed, I suggest that you read his fantastic blog here as soon as you've finished reading this! Stacey and I also took out little day trip to France in the highlight of my month, although that has already had a whole blog dedicated to it, so I'll leave that there.
As I've advertised Pete, I'd like to take this time to also showcase my other favourite blog in the whole wide world: Mr. Jon Budworth's
It was the week following the France trip, which we like to call 'Very Bad Trip' (there you are, an inside joke for you regular readers), that things took a slight change in fortune. On the Tuesday, just before leaving work, Stacey was told that her company had gone under and was made redundant once again with immediate effect. The following day I walked into the school that I work at to start working, when the head mistress pulled me aside and took me to her office. It was then that she told me that I too was being made redundant. Fortunately I have managed to gain a few more hours back at the wonderful Blockbuster, and those two days were the only negative ones throughout the whole of March.
March also saw the younger of my two brothers turn fifteen. I would have said how strange it is that my baby brother is that old already, but the truth is that he's been taller than me since he was twelve, and my little sister fills the baby sibling role just fine, so who cares!
The month ended in good fashion, as over the last few days I have enjoyed the company of many old friends that have come back down to Kent for Easter, I have watched Wrestlemania, which as usual was a stellar show and I wrapped up my paid employment at the school yesterday, receiving one or two gifts in the process. April has already began in the right way, as Stacey has just heard that she has another interview lined up (fingers crossed), I have just been on a nice little shopping spree after spotting a couple of bargains online, and there is more than ever to look forward to this month.
I'll leave you now with my Soundtrack to March 2010
Fozzy - Martyr No More
Audioslave - Be Yourself
Soundtrack of Our Lives - Transcendental Suicide
Alien Ant Farm - Flesh and Bone
Lady Gaga - Telephone
Kevin Rudolph - I Made It
Stay tuned!
It doesn't seem like it has already been a month since I wrote the blog looking back at the dark and cold days of January and February. Just like that first day of March, today is a gloriously suntastic day. March was a rather mixed bag of fun little treats, with a couple of sour tricks. I had two assignments for my Open University courses due in on the same day which was a tad harsh, but target met nevertheless. Funny enough I scored exactly 75% on both essays, which I guess shows my brain was working at three quarters of its capacity that week. One of those essays I must also add, was helped along by the ever great Pete Town, who has just this month recovered from having his appendix removed, I suggest that you read his fantastic blog here as soon as you've finished reading this! Stacey and I also took out little day trip to France in the highlight of my month, although that has already had a whole blog dedicated to it, so I'll leave that there.
As I've advertised Pete, I'd like to take this time to also showcase my other favourite blog in the whole wide world: Mr. Jon Budworth's
It was the week following the France trip, which we like to call 'Very Bad Trip' (there you are, an inside joke for you regular readers), that things took a slight change in fortune. On the Tuesday, just before leaving work, Stacey was told that her company had gone under and was made redundant once again with immediate effect. The following day I walked into the school that I work at to start working, when the head mistress pulled me aside and took me to her office. It was then that she told me that I too was being made redundant. Fortunately I have managed to gain a few more hours back at the wonderful Blockbuster, and those two days were the only negative ones throughout the whole of March.
March also saw the younger of my two brothers turn fifteen. I would have said how strange it is that my baby brother is that old already, but the truth is that he's been taller than me since he was twelve, and my little sister fills the baby sibling role just fine, so who cares!
The month ended in good fashion, as over the last few days I have enjoyed the company of many old friends that have come back down to Kent for Easter, I have watched Wrestlemania, which as usual was a stellar show and I wrapped up my paid employment at the school yesterday, receiving one or two gifts in the process. April has already began in the right way, as Stacey has just heard that she has another interview lined up (fingers crossed), I have just been on a nice little shopping spree after spotting a couple of bargains online, and there is more than ever to look forward to this month.
I'll leave you now with my Soundtrack to March 2010
Fozzy - Martyr No More
Audioslave - Be Yourself
Soundtrack of Our Lives - Transcendental Suicide
Alien Ant Farm - Flesh and Bone
Lady Gaga - Telephone
Kevin Rudolph - I Made It
Stay tuned!
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